Saturday, September 6, 2008

Reigning Crown of the Teething Crowd

Lets admit to ourselves that the idea of the Mr & Miss Williamsburg Pageant, although pretty ingenious on the part of whats her name, is absolutely ridiculous. I stumbled upon 2 comp tickets to what I thought would be a hipster masquerade-- and when I say stumble I mean, of course, a dear friend was a competitor. After mentally preparing myself, I had to go check out the scene at Supreme Trading:

Much to my disappointment-- but not surprise, the back room of Supreme was overcrowded, non-air conditioned, and lacking the assumed Ohio-gone-Brooklyn hotness.

So what was the cause of the mediocre contestant turn out? I'm guessing the eager spectators were the victim of some sort of irony... but to which degree? Was entering the Pageant not ironic enough for the Bedford elite? Or was it so ironic it wasn't? And so on, and so forth... But who am I to judge?

To be fair (NOTE: this is my disclaimer), I spent the entirety of 5 minutes in the room & wrote it off almost immediately, spending the rest of my time at the bar-- where some drunk girl from Staten Island bought me & my friend shots of whiskey and PBRs on some guys tab that she allegedly was 'not trying to date rape'. Only to return at the exact moment of my friend's crowning as the new King of the 'Hood. Returning from Burning Man only 2 days prior, he has had 'the most amazing last two weeks'. And even with the echoing recount chanting, it could've been worse.

And, to Misha Calvert-- IF the Colt 45 fiasco is true, I can dig that you pulled one over on some law enforcing higher up. Yet, I can't help but mention the last time I was caught stealing beer from a bodega. I was with Mr. Williamsburg himself, and after I sincerely apologized for my drunkenness, and giggled whilst removing the random assortment of 12 oz. bottles from my over-sized purse, the man behind the counter simply offered me credit at his establishment.

Here's some pictorial proof:

Congrats Dave! If nothing else, I'm sure the title will get you laid.

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